Wolves and Caribou and Polar Bears, Oh My!

Program AssistantBlog

By: Fiona Rettie and Amanda Proulx For 25 years, the world-leading scientific authority on polar bear-human conflicts, Doug Clark, has been documenting polar bear behaviour in the Arctic and Sub-Arctic ecosystems. His research is primarily focused on polar bears’ interactions with human infrastructures.  In 2011, Dr. Clark first placed motion-activated trail cameras in Wapusk National Park and around the Churchill Northern Studies Centre (CNSC) to … Read More

Something Fishy is Going On

Program AssistantBlog

By Joni Reimer After over a year of being empty, the CNSC’s Hudson Bay Aquarium is back up and running after a little help from the science team. The 125 gallon tank offers a glimpse into what the Arctic Ocean looks like beneath the surface and is the only saltwater aquarium in Churchill. Collections began in early summer, as the … Read More

No signs of slowing down

Program AssistantBlog

By Jordan Stewart Despite the many uncertainties and challenges of the past year, research as the Churchill Northern Studies Centre has not skipped a beat. Whether it be conducting in-house research, collaborating with researchers from across Canada, or finding new ways to share our scientific passions and discoveries to the public, the CNSC Science department has had a busy winter … Read More

Sowing Seeds for Community Mental and Physical Nourishment; Growing Together


By Maddy Mitchell When the Rocket Greens Project launched, it took off with a blast. The community of Churchill was immensely receptive to the idea of having fresh, locally grown, affordable produce year-round. We have consistently providing Launch Box leafy green subscriptions to around 50 households each week and have been stocking the grocery store shelves with lettuce, spinach, kale … Read More

Why Churchill MB? from our new Program Coordinator.


Hi!, I’m Alex Berg and I am the Program Coordinator at the Churchill Northern Study Centre (CNSC). Even more importantly, I’m a lifelong Churchillian. Like everyone else, CNSC has adapted to the COVID-19 pandemic and all that comes with it. While I can’t wait to welcome people to experience our amazing programs, unfortunately, to maintain everyone’s safety, CNSC summer programming … Read More

Winter Birds of Churchill


By Jesse Shirton Spring is right around the corner in Churchill – well, it’s coming eventually at least. With spring comes a huge influx of wings, as Churchill is a major stopping ground for migratory birds. Almost 250 species have been recorded in Churchill, which is officially recognized as an Important Bird Area. In the winter, the variety of birds … Read More

Top 10 Underrated Critters


By Jesse Shirton Chances are when you think of a Churchill animal, you probably think of a polar bear. Understandably so, considering Churchill is the polar bear capital of the world. Every year (global pandemic notwithstanding) people travel from around the world to see these amazing animals. Or perhaps if you did not think of the polar bear you thought … Read More

A Race Against Winter: Fall Fieldwork at CNSC


The science team after an intensive data and sample collecting weekend

Fall is often a time of change – and Churchill is no exception. The vegetation changes colour, migratory birds seek better weather, nights start getting colder, and the town transitions into what during a normal year would be a bustling polar bear season. At the CNSC, the fall means that the window for completing many outdoor projects will shortly be … Read More

Educational Walks at CNSC


After being closed for several months, things are starting to open up again at the Centre. We welcomed researchers from Western Canada at the beginning of August, and currently have three research groups from Manitoba staying with us.  Although the doors to the big blue building aren’t open on a drop-in basis yet, we are offering outdoor educational walks. We … Read More

Rules for Fieldwork


Over our travels on tundra, water, ice, and through boreal forest, we have learned some simple rules to keep things running smoothly as a team of research technicians. While they are all guidelines, and a bit tongue in cheek, each one has a story behind it and offers a glimpse into our daily thoughts and lives. Please enjoy our “Rules … Read More