For Researchers
To the CNSC
We are looking forward to supporting you as you pursue your research at the Churchill Northern Studies Centre.
To ensure you can maximize your time at the Centre, we ask that you read and complete all of the steps below before your arrival.

administrative intake
Researcher Briefing
Click the tabs along the side to see all the information.
- All guests and staff are recommended to be vaccinated.
- Masks are no longer required to be worn in the facility unless you show cold/flu like symptoms.
- Hand sanitizer stations are throughout the facility. Please use them when you pass by them. Help stop the spread of germs.
- Thanks to the Canadian Red Cross, the CNSC offers FREE rapid tests for our staff and guests. If you would like a test at any time during your stay, please ask a staff member.
In the field
- Sign out your group on the Researcher Sign Out Board located in the lab and erase upon your return.
- Make sure you have an approved weapon or wildlife guard.
- Sign out a radio so you can be in contact with the Centre in case of an emergency or a dangerous wildlife sighting or encounter.
- If you will be out after 4 p.m., let a staff member know so someone can stay onsite until you return.
Polar bear safety
- An escort is required for walks during times of high bear activity. Firearms or vehicles can be used while alone during down seasons.
- Look through the window before opening outside doors. Ensure the door latches properly behind you.
- Always use the researcher doors as it provides the best visual upon entry/exit of the building.
- During regular hours, if you see a polar bear, contact a staff member immediately.
- Never bait a bear with food. This can result in criminal charges, fines, and loss of bear/human life.
Fire safety
- In the event of a fire alarm, head directly to the lobby and wait for further instructions. Do not use the elevator.
- If evacuation is necessary, try to leave in a group. Head to the front of the building and get into one of the vehicles located in the front.
- There are three staircases in the building – one at each end and one in the middle of the accommodation area.
- Smoking is not permitted anywhere inside the building or on the outdoor observation deck. We have a fenced area, for your safety, where smoking is permitted.
- If you have requested lab space, an area of lab bench will be marked out for you prior to your arrival with the last name that the booking request was made under.
- If you did not book lab space in advance, please contact the Research Manager ([email protected]) and we may be able to accommodate you.
- Please be courteous to others and keep your equipment within the boundaries of your designated space. Do not use unoccupied lab space; it may be under repair, reserved, etc.
- Any person carrying a firearm must possess a valid PAL or Borrowing Permit and is required to provide copies to the CNSC before handling one.
- Please ask Science staff for a set of keys to the researcher entrance gun cabinet if you are storing your own firearm or borrowing a CNSC firearm.
- Only one set of gun cabinet keys will be given per group. You are not permitted to use your key to open the cabinet for others outside of your group, so please mindful of your own keys.
- All guns stored in the researcher entrance gun cabinet are required to have a trigger lock. Please ask Science staff if you do not have one. All guns being moved around inside the building are required to be in a case.
- Each room has its own thermostat for your comfort. The thermostat displays the current room temperature and the up/down arrows at the bottom control that set the temperature which is kept at 19C° in the summer and 20C° in the winter.
- You are welcome to cool your room by opening your window. Please turn the thermostat down & take care when opening the windows when it’s windy. Make sure to close the window when you leave your room.
- Each room has two bunk beds. For your safety, we ask that you please take care when using the ladder to climb up to the top bunk. The ladders are already set up when you enter the room, so please look at the set up so you remember.
- Do not enter a room that you are not assigned to. If you need additional blankets/linens, please let a staff member know.
Water & sewage
- The water is safe to drink throughout the building. A water cooler is in the cafeteria for your convenience.
- If you notice water where it should not be or taps/toilets are running, please notify staff right away.
- Only toilet paper and human waste can go down the toilet. We use a septic system and clogs can cause severe damage that is very costly to repair.
- Composting toilets are located on the 2nd floor in the woman’s west end washroom and in the men’s east side washrooms. Please do not use these toilets to dispose of hygiene items; use the trash cans available instead.
- Thank you for helping us conserve water.
- Never move into an empty room without prior permission. The room may already be reserved, under repair, etc. You will be billed additional fees.
- Each bed is provided with bed linens, pillows, and towels. We do not provide daily turnover services so if you require fresh linens, please let a staff member know. Old linens can be placed inside your room on the floor. Housekeeping will collect them when they drop off the fresh linens.
- We do have laundry machines that you are welcome to use after 4pm. Detergent and dryer sheets are available at the reception desk for $4+ tax. Do not leave laundry in the machines overnight.
- In the spring/summer/fall months, bleach cannot be used in our septic system.
Guest considerations
- The entire accommodation dorm is a quiet area. Please be respectful when closing your room doors and keep talking low as the dorm room walls are thin and sound travels. Quiet time is from 10:30pm-7:30am. You are welcome to use one of the gathering rooms to hang out.
- The CNSC is a scent free facility. Refrain from wearing colognes and perfumes.
Cook on-site
- Mealtimes differ depending on the season and scheduling. Please check the kitchen information board for details. Â
- Shoes are to be worn in the cafeteria by all guests, no exceptions.
- If you will not be at the facility for meal or require bagged lunches for the next day, please give the kitchen at least 24 hours notice. We thank you for helping us keep food waste to a minimum.
- If you have provided your dietary restrictions, please check in with the cook to make sure they understand what you require.
- You may be asked to help with meals and clean up, including dishes.
Bagged lunch requests
- The kitchen requires 24 hours’ notice if you need a bagged lunch. They are made the day before, so your cooperation is appreciated.Â
- A bagged lunch consists of a sandwich, a piece of fruit, and a cookie. If you find that is not enough, please let the kitchen know and if we have additional supplies then we will do our best to provide a second sandwich.
- Help yourself to dinner leftovers in the Researcher fridge, if there are any.
- You are also encouraged to supplement your lunches with your own store-bought items.
No cook on-site
- All food handling and sanitation guidelines need to be followed.
- Using the deep fryer and flat grill are not permitted. The gas stove and stand-up oven are at your disposal.
- A separate cooking area is set up to limit people in the kitchen.
- When in the kitchen, close toed shoes must be worn for your safety.
- Kitchen cleanup is your responsibility. This includes doing dishes and wiping down ALL the areas you have used, including your table.
- Please be respectful. If you are not cleaning up your mess, then someone else is. Â
Kitchen helpers
- In the past, researchers rotated assisting in the dish pit and cleaning the cafeteria after dinner. With COVID restrictions being lifted, we are going to start this practice again. Every little bit of help the kitchen can get is always appreciated. Â
- A calendar will be posted in the kitchen, so please look and see if you make the cut.
- If you are not able to help due to returning late to the Centre, please let the kitchen know ahead of time so we can see if another research group can cover your stint.Â
- Hours are 8am-4pm, Monday to Friday.
- Charges can be applied to your room card and will get cleared up upon check out.
Outdoor observation deck
- The outdoor viewing deck is an excellent vantage point to observe the natural world, including the occasional polar bear and northern lights. No food or beverages are allowed on the deck.
- When going out onto the deck, please let someone know. It is for your safety.
- Never throw food or other items over the deck. This is baiting an animal and it comes with legal consequences.
Aurora dome
- When in the dome room at night, we ask that you be cognizant of other guests and turn the lights out in the room if others are watching the lights.
- Exterior lights can be turned off for better viewing as well.
- Be considerate and take turns when using the dome, as everyone wants to get the chance to look.
- The library offers an assortment of books in case you forget one, as well board games and puzzles for you to use while you are here. If you have a spare book, please feel free to leave it behind.
- Cell phone signals are extremely poor here at the CNSC. We do have a cell phone booster located in the lobby, which provides a good signal so you can make a phone call or return text messages.
- The Centre has limited toiletries on hand. If you require something, please ask at the reception desk.
- Check out time is 9am, unless previously arranged.
- Remove all linens and place them on the floor in your room. Keep the pillows and comforters on the bed, and housekeeping will deal with them.
- By check out time, you will have already planned with the FSC for your departure transportation. If not, then you may be in trouble…. lol.
- If you have a room tab to clear up, please do so in the gift shop.
Your Information
Let’s make sure you have a comfortable stay at the Centre.
"*" indicates required fields
Waivers & forms
Click the tabs along the top to see all the information.
Churchill Research Centre Inc.
Wildlife Management Area Use Permit
- The permittee, his/her employees, and any person using his/her vehicles may operate snowmobiles, bombardiers, or other vehicles on frozen, snow-covered ground.
- On unfrozen ground, the permittee, his/her employees, and any person using his/her vehicles may operate three-wheeled single-rider all terrain vehicles equipped with low pressure tires; four-wheeled single-rider or double-rider all-terrain vehicles equipped with low-pressure tires; or amphibious vehicles equipped with low pressure tires (e.g. Argos).
- Existing trails must be used whenever possible.
- When operating a vehicle off-road on unfrozen ground, the most direct route must be taken from an existing trail to a study site. The sum of all vehicles passed on a route from an existing trail to study site shall not exceed 10 per week.
- The restrictions regarding use of existing trails and direct access routes to study areas listed above do not apply to inter-tidal areas.
- Their permittee, his/her employees, and any person using his/her vehicles shall exercise care when operating vehicles on eskers, beach ridges and granular soils within vegetarian to avoid damage to the vegetation. Spinning of tires, sharp turns, and wheel lock-up during braking shall be avoided.
- Vehicle’s use may be prohibited in areas identified by the Manitoba Conservation District.
- Authorized for use on this permit for recreational purposes in the Churchill Wildlife Supervisor in Churchill. The manager of the Churchill Research Centre Inc. may also identify areas where its vehicles may not be used.
- The permittee, his/her employees, and any person using his/her vehicles may not use any of the vehicles Management Area.
- The permittee, his/her employees, and any person using his/her vehicles must not disturb archaeological sites.
- Their permittee, his/her employees, and any person using his/her vehicles must not place food for the purpose of attracting, feeding, or holding polar bears.
- Every vehicle used under the authority of this permit must permanently display a sign indicating that the feeding and baiting of polar bears is prohibited.
- Vehicles must be well-maintained. Containment pans and double-lined hoses on vehicles are recommended to avoid leaks of contaminants or petroleum products. Any spills of contaminants or petroleum products must be contained and cleaned up immediately and reported to the district office of Manitoba Conservation of Churchill.
- Vehicles may not approach a poplar bear or active polar bear den closer than 100 meters. No person shall exit a vehicle within 100 meters of a polar bear or active polar bear den.
- The permittee, his/her employees shall avoid harassment of polar bears, especially females with cubs. Should activity result in the abandonment of the cub(s) by a female, the group and all vehicles must leave the area and the occurrence must be reported to the district office of Manitoba Conservation of Churchill.
- When conducting research or providing field tours, participants must be supervised at all times by the permittee or his/her employees to ensure that no person exposes themselves to a potential attack while in the vicinity of a polar bears. Outside of buildings or vehicles, the permittee or his/her employees will encourage any group to maintain a tight formation and avoid stragglers.
- Each group must be accompanied by a bear monitor. The bear monitor shall carry lethal and non-lethal means of deterring polar bears and be proficient in their use. (Manitoba Conservations suggest that a 12-gauge shotgun loaded with slugs is the most appropriate means of lethal force. The use of longer-range weapons, such as rifles, is discouraged as bears may only be dispatched if they pose an immediate threat to life. Manitoba Conservation suggests that a separate shotgun loaded with cracker shells, or a pistol that fires whiz bangs be used as a non-lethal mans of deterrence for bear monitors).
- The bear monitor shall maintain watch to ensure that no bears present a risk during an excursion. Should a bear approach, the bear monitor shall deter it using non-lethal means. If a bear charges, or approaches in an aggressive manner, the bear monitor shall stop the advance by the bear and prevent any attack with lethal force if necessary.Â
- All deterrent actions and any bears killed must be reported to the Natural Resource Office (NRO) in Churchill within 24 hours. Any incident involving lethal force will be subject to formal investigation by Manitoba Conservation.
Wildlife Acknowledgement Waiver
The Churchill Northern Studies Centre (CNSC) is located in a potentially dangerous environment. Known wildlife species in the area include wolf, moose, arctic/red fox, and bears (grizzly, black and polar). Polar bear numbers here are highest in the fall, but you could encounter a polar bear at any time of the year. Every animal should be treated as though it poses a threat to you. The guidelines in this waiver apply to all wildlife.
To reduce human-wildlife contact, the Centre has safety protocols in place.
The following are precautionary measures to reduce your risk. Read the following information carefully and sign the waiver if you understand all statements.
- The CNSC will provide wildlife safety information for you to read. It is for your protection and benefit that you read it carefully.
- It is important that you notify a CNSC staff member prior to leaving the building for any reason using the research board in the lab
- Smoking is only permitted in the caged area outside the researcher doors.
- All outside doors must be kept closed at all times. Bear bars are on the outside windows.
- If dangerous wildlife is seen outside, DO NOT leave the building and please notify a staff member immediately.
- There is no camping of any kind and hiking/walking will be dependent upon the season and previous bear sightings.
- Researchers are expected to coordinate their activities with the CNSC science department.
- It is unlawful to feed or harass polar bears. The placement of food with the purpose of attracting, feeding, or holding polar bears is prohibited. It is also prohibited to approach a polar bear or active bear den closer than 100 meters. Choosing to feed or harass bears can result in charges and the removal from CNSC property.
Release of Photographic and Video Images
To the Churchill Northern Science Centre (CNSC) and its directors, officers, employees, representatives, and agents (collectively called the “Agents”).
I hereby assign and transfer to the CNSC and the Agents, all rights, title, and interest whatsoever which I have in the photographs, motion picture, sound recordings or video footage which the CNSC or the Agents have taken of me or my child or ward (the “Participant”).
I consent to the use by the CNSC and its Agents of the images, motion picture, sound recording or video footage for all purposes whatsoever, including, without limitation, for television, publication and any trade, advertising usage or stock sales, in perpetuity, worldwide.
I agree that all photographs, motion picture, sound recordings or video footage of the Participant, and all duplicates thereof, are the exclusive property of the CNSC, and that the CNSC may dispose of all or any of them in any manner whatsoever, without any accountability to me.
I hereby release the CNSC and the Agents from all actions, debts, accounts, claims, contracts and demands whatsoever, including, without limitation, any claim of my moral rights, which I or my heirs may have at any time as a result of the images, motion pictures, sound recordings or video footage, referenced to above, and any matter that may arise out of or in connection with the subject matter of this release.
I have read this Agreement and understand that it contains a promise not to sue the Churchill Northern Studies Centre or the Agents and that it constitutes a release of liability and an indemnity for all claims.
If the Participant is under the age of eighteen, I confirm that I am his or her parent or guardian and that I have executed the Agreement on behalf of the Participant.
This Agreement will be binding on myself or my child or ward, as the case may be, and our respective personal representatives, heirs, and assigns.
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Thank you for your cooperation.
We will reach out if we have any questions about your submissions.